
Ezekiel Mutua Wants Ohangla Musician Arrested For Promoting Paedophilia

Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB) Chief Executive Officeholder Book of Ezekiel Mutua has called for the arrest of popular Ohangla musician Otieno Aloka finished an "obscene" last execution on Facebook.

Following the performance on Saturday, August 15, the 'Kanungo eteko'hitmaker drew criticism from Kenyans on social media over his utilize of unwashed lyrics. Kisumu Women Representative Rosa Buyu was among those who accused the musician of promoting immorality.

"I speak as a mother to condemn in No variable terms, the lyrics by Aloka, one of the area's musicians. It is true that we must, as a rural area, nurture and promote talent amongst our youth to enhance self-empowerment and to too reduce the high level of unemployment amongst our young people," said Buyu.

Adding: "Undignified women and using such vulgar language in a birdsong that is open to a diverse audience in terms of years and sex is highly slaphappy! I will petition Mister Ezekiel Mutua to ensure that this song is pulled down and not minded any opportunity in our airwaves!"

And Mutua heeded to calls by the public, promising to select legal action against Otieno Aloka together with the DCI.

"The board is inundated with complaints around an obscene Ohangla video that's promoting paedophilia and the degradation of women. We have alerted the DCI to arrest the singer and the manufacturer. Give thanks you, Hon. Rosa Buyu for bringing this to our attention. We are working with Google to have the video brought down and will ensure that the artist faces the full phase of the moon force of the law for violating the provisions of the Films and Stage Plays Act Cap 222 in respect to content creation regulations," Mutua aforesaid in a statement.

The KFCB brag noted that children who are at home attributable the Covid-19 pandemic faced enhanced risk of consuming harmful contented.

"Outstanding to Covid-19 and the e-learning program due to closure of schools, most children have access to gadgets and we pauperism to protect them from exposure to harmful content by ensuring that content meant for adults is not current online.

"Content does not have to be cheating to sell and our artistes essential know that such dirty content bequeath also be consumed away their children,"Mutua wrote.

He also disclosed that, "The manufacturer had non obtained a filming permission neither has the video been approved by the Board for public exhibition/consumption and age rightness. We shall deal with this rather cognitive content macrocosm violations and ensure that art is not misused to destroy our culture and morality and that children are not prematurely uncovered to grownup satisfied. I urge those in possession of the video non to extol or dedicate information technology prominence and credence away sharing. I likewise recommend our artistes to desist from using unweathered technologies to wear away the law by producing and posting depicted object that has non been approved by the Board for public consumption".


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