
Apex Legend players banned for winning via DDoS attacks

Gaming studio apartment Respawn has banned two Apex Fable players for winning via DDoS attacks which caused connectivity issues for other players.

Respawn Entertainment, LLC, an American video game development studio has prohibited two Peak Legends players on the Xbox Combined version of the stake for illicitly winning ranked matches. Reportedly, the pair was caught DDoS-ing a server in order to win the game.

Videos Spilled the Beans

In the two videos that appeared on Reddit, a go past-ranking Solar apex Legend thespian was knocked down, and at the same time, the server crashed. When the legit players reconnected to the host, they were knocked descending spell some other duette was permanent over them.

Apex Legend players banned by Respawn for winning via DDoS attacks
Reddit post shows the moment the culprits started DDoSing the game.

The 4th and 6th rankers, who had a high placement in Ranked mode, have been accused of carrying out DDoS attacks to secure an easy win after they started losing the game. In the same yarn on Reddit, security analyst Conor Edsel Bryant Ford confirmed that the ii players had been banned. His instruction learn:

"Undeniable proof that the #4 and #6 Xbox Preds are DDoSing servers after we knock them. I'm posting on Twitter for more attention but delight assist get this adhesive friction – Console Ranked is literally unplayable with 5 of every 6 games being DDoSed in Pred lobbies."

View the video below:

I have undeniable proof the #4 and #6 predators on Xbox are DDoSing lobbies for gradual wins. Delight help oneself me impressive boost this so hideouts can do something from r/apexlegends

Unjust- a Growing Cause of Touch on on Multiplayer Games

The cheating epidemic plagues online multiplayer games as it has emerged as a recurring problem. For instance, Activision issued multiple bans to eliminate cheaters in Call of Duty: Warzone, and now Apex Legends had to remove players to keep the gamey square.

Since the banned players are fourth and one-sixth rankers in this incident, this probably substance they achieved this high rank with dirty in the past. Apex Legends' console versions own been affected by this cheating spree, and Respawn is sensitive of this.

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